
Welcome to Stephen's Digital World, where technology meets the everyday adventures of parenting! I’m a Software Engineering Manager deeply immersed in the world of .NET and C#, leading talented teams to build robust, scalable solutions. But my most rewarding leadership role? That would be being a dad to three spirited young girls who teach me something new every day.

Whether it's finding a fresh perspective on a challenging project or discovering life's little lessons through the eyes of my daughters, I believe that every day is a good day when you learn something new. Here, I’ll be sharing insights from both my professional journey in software engineering and the valuable lessons I pick up from my biggest little inspirations.


With 20 years of experience in software development, I have honed my skills across both client-side and backend technologies. My expertise spans a wide range of technical skill sets and tools, from frontend development that ensures seamless user experiences to backend systems that power complex, high-performance applications

Software Development Methodologies

A Certified Scrum Master adept at guiding teams through Scrum development methodology excels in fostering a collaborative and agile environment by effectively implementing and steering Scrum practices.

A Software Engineering Manager proficient in Agile principles and practices excels at creating a collaborative and adaptive team environment by effectively applying and guiding Agile methodologies.
Design Prinicples

Software Engineering Manager who is committed to the SOLID principles, enhancing code maintainability and scalability while promoting clean, modular architecture and best practices within the team

Dedicated to the KISS principle, emphasizing simplicity and clarity in code to improve maintainability and efficiency within the team.

Committed to the DRY principle, focusing on reducing code duplication to enhance maintainability and consistency.
Architectural & Design Patterns

Proficient in the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern, effectively separating read and write operations to optimize performance and scalability. Skilled in implementing distinct models for querying and updating data, enhancing application efficiency and maintainability.

Experienced in Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), leveraging asynchronous messaging and event streams to build scalable, decoupled systems. Skilled in designing applications that respond to events and communicate through events, improving system responsiveness and flexibility.

Proficient in the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern, ensuring a clean separation of data, UI, and presentation logic. Skilled in structuring applications for improved maintainability, testability, and modularity by decoupling the user interface from business logic.

Experienced with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, facilitating a clear separation of data, user interface, and control logic. Adept at organizing applications to enhance maintainability, scalability, and testability by dividing responsibilities among models, views, and controllers.

Experienced with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, facilitating a clear separation of data, user interface, and control logic. Adept at organizing applications to enhance maintainability, scalability, and testability by dividing responsibilities among models, views, and controllers.

Experienced with the Unit of Work pattern for managing transactions and coordinating changes across multiple repositories. Proficient in maintaining data integrity and consistency by consolidating operations into a single transaction scope, improving application maintainability and reliability.
Microsoft Azure Devops

Expert in implementing and managing branching strategies for development teams. Capable of monitoring deployment processes to ensure efficiency, reliability, and high-quality software delivery.

Proficient in managing CI/CD pipelines within Azure DevOps. Extensive experience in automating builds and releases while integrating seamlessly with source control systems like Git. Additionally, highly skilled in configuring and maintaining release pipelines to ensure smooth deployment processes.

Adept at managing sprints and work items using Azure DevOps. Skilled in setting up dashboards and optimizing workflows, allowing development teams to track progress and streamline collaboration.
Programming & Scripting Languages


Adept at using C# in conjunction with .NET frameworks for building web, desktop, and cloud-based solutions, and experienced in implementing best practices for software design and development.


Skilled in XAML for creating intuitive and responsive user interfaces in WPF, utilizing data bindings, control templates, and custom styles to improve UI functionality and maintainability


Proficient in JavaScript for creating interactive and responsive web applications, ensuring efficient and seamless front-end functionality


Skilled in TypeScript for building reliable client-side applications, with a focus on type safety and maintainable code.


Experienced in using PowerShell for automating and managing deployments, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and ensuring reliable and efficient software and infrastructure deployment.


Proficient in utilizing Terraform for infrastructure as code, with extensive experience in automating the provisioning, configuration, and management of Azure cloud resources.
Client Side Frameworks & Libraries







API & Testing Tools

Open API


K6 Scripts

Testing Frameworks



SQL Server

Proficient in SQL Server, including database design, query optimization, and performance tuning. Skilled in writing complex T-SQL scripts for data manipulation, stored procedures, functions, and triggers to efficiently manage and retrieve data.

Mongo DB

Expierenced in MongoDB for NoSQL database management, specializing in designing optimized schemas, query performance tuning, and managing large datasets. Experienced in crafting aggregation pipelines, working with document-based data, and implementing effective indexing strategies.


With 20 years of experience in the software industry, I have worked across diverse sectors including retail, healthcare, postal services, and research. From designing and implementing systems that streamline retail operations to creating innovative solutions in the healthcare and research domains, I bring a wealth of technical knowledge and a proven track record of delivering high-quality, impactful software solutions.

Education & Certificates

Honours Degree in Computing


Sep 2000 – June 2004

Certified Scrum Master

Scrum Alliance

Janruary 2022


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